Seven million euros to tackle Limburg labour market scarcity
Article provided by POM Limburg

Seven million euros to tackle Limburg labour market scarcity

Seven million euros and 11 Limburg projects are aimed at improving the labour market scarcity in our province. Because despite many Limburgers being employed, many vacancies remain open. The 11 projects were previously given the green light by the SALKturbo task force and aim to make our province more inclusive, digital, sustainable and competitive.
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Article provided by
POM Limburg

Eight new SALKturbo projects for entrepreneurship and the jobs of tomorrow

Employment rate at record high, but productivity remains challenging_Limburgers Worldwide

Employment rate at record high, but productivity remains challenging


SALKturbo is like an engine running at full speed

The winds of change are sweeping across Limburg.

Read more on the POM Limburg website

Pom Limburg